10.22.2007 |
It’s a wonder that I can type right now. After lifting close to 800 bricks, there is a numbness that has invaded both of my hands. Come to think of it, soreness covers my entire body. Luckily, our stay here includes being on the “executive” meal plan (which, oddly, is only $1 more expensive than the “budget” food plan). I made sure that there were no left overs tonight!
I suppose that you could go to Home Depot and order enough bricks for your project. But, what do you do when there is no Home Depot or you do not have enough money to buy bricks? Well, you build them! The dirt that gets excavated from where the future building will be is mixed with cement and a big hydraulic machine presses them into bricks! Our goal today: bring palettes and palettes of bricks from the site at the bottom of the hill to the site at the top of the hill. Luckily, we were given the use of a pickup truck and trailer. I had my first authentic South Africa experience today: riding in the back of a trailer on the way to work! The sun was naked today, as not a single cloud could be found. So, the SPF 45 sunscreen I brought was used generously today. We only got through half of the palettes, so it looks like we’ll be “bricking” again tomorrow.
“The Black Mambas like cool areas on a day like today. They have been known to hide under the palettes”. So, guess what I was thinking each time I lifted a brick from the bottom layer of the palette? Thankfully, all the Black Mambas today sought shade elsewhere. However, we did have a couple of scorpion encounters. They were hiding underneath the bricks and would cling to them as we loaded them. They were tiny, no larger than the nail on a pinky finger. They were a translucent orange that reminded me of a Lifesaver candy, their tails touting black rings. The tip was a bold black, warning of the dangerous toxin that it carried. Because of their non-intimidating size, we dismissed these tiny creatures. However, the local workers that were with us were excited. They put down their tools and came over. One of them took off his work gloves and picked it up by its tail. He then took off with it and we were left wondering if he was going to play a practical joke or concoct some exotic soup tonight.
Oh yeah. Found some running buddies. Apparently, I will be doing hill repeats tomorrow, at Mount Legogote.
By the way, please leave a message if you are following along. Not for me, but to encourage all of the others who are reading. We’re all laying this on thick together! |
posted @ 12:28  |
hey tim, i'm a little behind in leaving messages, but trying to keep up where i can. my thoughts and prayers are totally with you. i know God will continue to use you and to keep you away from mambas. keep playing that guitar and make sure it's well worked in before handing it over...
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Tim Chan
Home: Calgary, Canada
Email: duffshot at gmail dot com
10.18 - Depart Calgary
10.19 - Pass Through London
10.20 - Arrive Johannesburg
10.20 - Arrive Masoyi - Africa School of Missions
11.8 - Debrief at Ingwe Game Reserve
11.11 - Depart Johannesburg
11.12 - Pass Through Frankfurt
11.12 - Arrive Calgary
Map of Masoyi
Current Weather in Masoyi
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hey tim, i'm a little behind in leaving messages, but trying to keep up where i can. my thoughts and prayers are totally with you. i know God will continue to use you and to keep you away from mambas. keep playing that guitar and make sure it's well worked in before handing it over...