Tim Travels To Masoyi, South Africa, '07

For 3 weeks, I will be in South Africa helping an orphan aid organization with urgent construction. Here unfolds the next chapter of my life. Won't you join me?


It’s hard to comprehend how 3 weeks have just whisked by. I sit journaling on the last leg of this journey that will see me landing home in Calgary in less than 10 hours. On the one hand, I am returning to a life that has been put on pause that I am looking forward to restarting. There are certain “creature comforts” that I am miss: showers, a fast and consistent Internet connection, driving on the “right” side of the road, snow capped mountain peaks that will tempt me to break out my snowboard. On the other hand, there is a solemn feeling, near sadness, for leaving Africa. It feels like that there is so much left incomplete. Not necessarily the specific project that we were assigned to, per say (many on the team were hoping to have put up trusses or roofs by the time we left – this is more photographable proof of our work than landscaping or ring beams!), but work in general. The hunger, the decrepit housing, the brokenness and the loneliness. I guess I would be foolish in thinking that any one of these “projects” could be completed in just 3 weeks of my being there. In a way, the journey doesn’t end because I am back in Calgary. It continues in another form: I now have another story to tell. Maybe my experiences will edify someone in a way that they become more aware; aware of their interconnectedness with this world, aware of what may seem irrelevant, aware of choices.

I am in an elevator with someone who knows that I’ve just spent 3 weeks in Africa. They ask me how it went. I have an 8 story flight to summarize what I’ve learned:


I’ve seen a trend emerging in recent years. More and more people are spending their vacations abroad traveling beyond the typical, worn out paths of discovery. By engaging a community to a level that goes beyond over-photographed sites and overpriced trinkets, your traveling experiences are super-enhanced: you eat what the locals eat, you recreate as the locals recreate, you communicate how the locals communicate. By volunteering with an agency already on the ground, you may be able to gain access to experiences not listed in a backpacking guide or possible with a typical tour. There are many agencies, some of whom may even advocate a cause that you deeply believe in. As well, it is an amazing conversation starter (and inspiring testimony) when you can say that you paid money out of your pockets, used up your entitled leave from work to volunteer in a remote location.

Open your eyes to Africa

Go beyond the beauty of her landscapes, the amazing animals that inhabit her parks and reserves. African people have a sincerity that is just awesome. They are also a people that have been burdened with a history of violence, oppression and illness. It’s easy to start developing a perspective and world view based solely on the culture that you live in. By extending beyond what might be considered the “norm”, a whole new world of conversations and understandings can be discovered.

Be thankful

Chances are good that if you are reading this, you are a North American living in an upper middle class setting or beyond, not spending too much time worrying about your next meal. Be thankful for all that you’ve been blessed with, material or not. It is this spirit of gratitude that serves as the first step in bridging relationships.

Speaking of gratefulness, I am grateful for all your thoughts and prayers, financial and material support, and willingness to journey with me on my latest leg of discovery. The words on this blog give a mere glimpse into what I experienced and I hope that it merely serves as a springboard for more and deeper conversations.

posted @ 05:40  
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Name: Tim Chan
Home: Calgary, Canada
Email: duffshot at gmail dot com


  • 10.18 - Depart Calgary

  • 10.19 - Pass Through London

  • 10.20 - Arrive Johannesburg

  • 10.20 - Arrive Masoyi - Africa School of Missions

  • 11.8 - Debrief at Ingwe Game Reserve

  • 11.11 - Depart Johannesburg

  • 11.12 - Pass Through Frankfurt

  • 11.12 - Arrive Calgary

Map of Masoyi

Current Weather in Masoyi


    If you are interested in being a part of this journey by contributing financially, and you have a PayPal account, please click on the button. All donations are tax deductible, so please indicate your mailing address. If you don't have a PayPal account, send me an email (addy above) or leave a comment. Regardless of the amount of donations received, I will be going!


Pre Africa Team Retreat
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